Solar Powered Generators Are Part Of The ‘Unstoppable Shift’

Date: 06/11/23

solar generatorsolar generatorsolar generatorAll too often these days, the climate headlines are filled with doom and gloom. Rising, often record temperatures, increasingly regular and violent storms, and all kinds of other catastrophic climate change consequences dominate the news. It can feel like a global climate disaster is inevitable and that climate change is unstoppable.


However, at the end of October, we were given a glimmer of hope from the International Energy Agency, the global climate monitor based in Paris. Rather than climate change being out of control, their World Energy Outlook 2023 reported that it was now the shift to renewable energy that had become unstoppable.

Renewables on the march

The IEA predicted that renewable energy sources, such as Think Hire’s solar powered generator, are on course to provide more than 50% of the planet’s energy by the end of this decade. Describing the progress as ‘impressive’, they pointed out significant progress, such as the increase in electric car sales from one in 25 just three years ago, to one in five today. They also predicted that by 2030, the solar powered generator would produce more electricity than the entire US power system does currently.

Here at Think Hire, we’ve also seen the appetite for renewable energy increasing. More and more companies are turning to our solar powered generator to provide clean electricity on site, including powering their electric vehicle and plant charging points and site lighting.

We have to stay on course

"The transition to clean energy is happening worldwide and it's unstoppable,” says Fatih Birol, the executive director of the IEA. However, it’s important that we stay focussed on clean energy alternatives like the solar powered generator. With the Government licencing new oil fields in the North Sea, there’s clearly still a conflict of interest between the energy security of fossil fuels and the environmental benefits of climate friendly alternatives.

The upcoming COP28 conference in Dubai will be vitally important in setting the agenda for the coming years. Here the world’s leading industrialised nations will reconfirm their existing commitment to try to keep global temperature rises under 1.5°C and hopefully make fresh commitments to help make this happen. This couldn’t be more urgent, as those global temperature rises have already exceeded 1.5°C for more than 80 days in 2023, which is set to be the hottest year on record.

Guaranteed savings with solar powered generators

The IEA report warns that cost will be a major factor in the shift to renewables, stating that “the speed at which emissions decline will hinge in large part on our ability to finance sustainable solutions.” However, with Think Hire, cost is not an issue when it comes to going green. In fact, helping to save the planet with Think Hire is guaranteed to save your company money.

Appoint Think Hire as your renewable energy partners, and we guarantee to cut both your emissions and your running costs. Our state-of-the-art clean energy technology, based around cutting edge solar powered generators, can deliver all the power you need. At the same time, our remote energy management, which comes as standard with all hires, will help you use that power more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

‘Immense benefits on offer’

“Governments, companies and investors need to get behind clean energy transitions rather than hindering them,” concludes Dr Birol in the IEA report. “There are immense benefits on offer.”

If you’d like to find out more about how easily your company can access those benefits, get in touch with Think Hire today on 0330 133 2222 or complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch.

Keep an eye on this blog for more details of the upcoming COP28 climate change conference, as we investigate the progress made so far, and the commitments made for the future.

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